Caffeine Right Before Exercising Assists in Fat-Loss

this will be a “golden nugget” for those who like to ingest a bit of caffeine before a workout. It has been shown that pure caffeine will improve performance in lifting and cardio better than coffee. Pure caffeine will also lead to a greater release of free fatty acids, which will be used as energy in your workout and lead to greater fat loss.

caffeine benefits:

#Delays fatigue
#Slows the breakdown of muscle glycogen, which means your body has more fuel to keep going
#Enhances endurance
#Keeps you more alert
#Can reduce muscle pain during exercise
#May lower perceived exertion, making exercise feel more comfortable

While caffeine can have a positive effects on endurance exercise, you don't need it to have a good workout. If you're a competitive athlete thinking of using caffeine, keep in mind that it is a diuretic, so you may need more bathroom breaks. That could affect your workouts as well as your hydration levels.

Fat Loss and Leaner Muscle Mass:

Caffeine has also been found to effectively assist with fat loss. This is a big plus for those involved in fitness programs to lose weight or to acquire leaner muscle mass.

Besides harder and more focused workouts as described above, caffeine also helps your body to burn more energy from fat stores. Caffeine increases the flow of fatty acids from fat storage areas, such as those located in tough thigh and belly fat areas, so your body can utilize it instead of having to resort to lean muscle and carbs for its fuel.


A realistic intake of 2-3 cups of coffee or 5-6 cups of green tea per day actually has some long term health benefits. On workout days, you may want to take a 200mg caffeine pill to burn a bit more fat during your workout. It has been shown to be most effective on an empty stomach, so it works well with what I recommend…doing all cardio on an empty stomach to get the best fat burning effects. If caffeine isn’t your thing, then that is great as well. From this point forward, the regular coffee drinkers can proudly drink their coffee “guilt free”. Just don’t overdo it. One last thing…don’t load up your coffee or tea with sugar and cream…get used to the plain stuff if possible.

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